Due to the weather, todays Veterans Day ceremony is canceled. Below, a message from our Mayor:
Today we honor and recognize American service members past and present.
Veterans are recognized as men and women who have or are serving in America’s Armed Forces. Today, Veterans Day, is a celebration to honor all of America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. It is also a day for reflection and for remembering.
Whether you wear the uniform today, or wore it decades ago, you, the veteran, represent a fundamental truth. It’s not the powerful weapons that make our military the greatest in the world. It’s not the sophisticated aircraft, missiles, rockets, satellites and cyber technology that make us the most advanced. The true strength of our military is the spirit and skill of our Servicemen. The true strength of all of our Armed Forces is seen in the men and women who have worn and now wear the uniform of our nation’s military.
Veterans Day 2022 finds us a nation fighting for freedom. Our sons and daughters continue to answer the call to support and defend our nation and our freedoms by serving around the globe in places like Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Yemen. There is no mystery behind the endurance and the success of the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen of our sister Services. In every generation, from the Revolutionary War to this very hour, brave Americans have stepped forward and served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States. Every one of you deserves the admiration of our entire country.
Today, it is our privilege to say “thank you” to all of America’s veterans, for your quiet courage and exemplary service, and to let you know we are grateful and acknowledge your many sacrifices and accomplishments.
-Tom Weaver, Mayor of Clementon NJ