Borough Hall
101 Gibbsboro Road
Clementon, NJ 08021
(856) 783-0284 x 115

Property tax bills are mailed out ONCE a year, usually in mid-July, and cover four quarterly payments. The bill mailed in July includes 3rd and 4th quarters of the current year and the preliminary 1st and 2nd quarters of the next year.

Payments are due quarterly: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. We offer a 10-day grace period, the maximum allowed by state law. If the 10th day falls on a weekend or a Borough holiday, the grace period is extended to the Borough’s next business day. State statues authorize the Borough to charge interest at the rate of 8% for the first $1500.00 and 18% on all amounts over $1500.00 on all delinquent taxes. A penalty of 6% will be charged on any delinquency in excess of $10,000 if not paid by the end of the year.

Payments may be made in person or by-mail. We accept cash, checks or money orders made payable to “Borough of Clementon”. Payments may also be mailed to Borough of Clementon 101 Gibbsboro Rd Clementon, NJ 08021. Payments can also be placed in the drop box located at the main entrance of the Municipal Building. Put payment in a sealed envelope, no cash.

Remittances requiring a receipt MUST be accompanied by the entire bill with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Otherwise, detach the appropriate stub and mail with your check – cancelled check will be your receipt.

Annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes for homeowner’s age 65 or over and disabled persons who meet certain income and residency requirements are available through the Borough.

Annual deductions of $250 from property taxes for qualified veterans /widows of veterans who have not remarried are available through the Borough.

Utility Information
The Tax Collector is responsible for receiving utility (water/sewer) payments. Billing is calculated on a quarterly basis, January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st.  Sewer is billed in 4 quarterly payments with the water bill.

The first and third billing is a minimum bill. The second and fourth bill is the excess water bill used for the 6 months prior to the quarter and usually go out a little later due to the meters being read.

The second and fourth quarter bills can be higher due to the excess charge included in the billing.

PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY: Bills for utility service are levied against the property served and billed to the Owner reflected on the Borough’s property ownership records. Payments are due on the date indicated And granted a 10 day grace period. Interest at the rate of 8% and 18% per annum is charges on all unpaid balances.

If you are approved for a senior or veteran property tax deduction you will receive a deduction for water and sewer.

Please be advised that all properties in Camden County connected to the public sewer system receive two sewer bills. One is from the Borough and one from the CCMUA. You can reach the CCMUA at 856-541-3700.