Borough of Clementon2024-10-29T12:46:50-04:00

Events in March 2025

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
February 23, 2025
February 24, 2025

Category: court
1:00 pm: Municipal Court - In Person

February 25, 2025

February 26, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 1, 2025
March 2, 2025
March 3, 2025

Category: court
1:00 pm: Municipal Court - Virtual via ZOOM

March 4, 2025

Category: council
6:00 pm: Caucus Meeting

March 4, 2025

March 5, 2025
March 6, 2025
March 7, 2025
March 8, 2025
March 9, 2025
March 10, 2025
March 11, 2025
March 12, 2025
March 13, 2025
March 14, 2025
March 15, 2025
March 16, 2025
March 17, 2025

Category: council
6:00 pm: Council Meeting

March 18, 2025

March 19, 2025
March 20, 2025
March 21, 2025
March 22, 2025
March 23, 2025
March 24, 2025

Category: court
1:00 pm: Municipal Court - In Person

March 25, 2025

March 26, 2025
March 27, 2025
March 28, 2025
March 29, 2025
March 30, 2025
March 31, 2025

Category: court
1:00 pm: Municipal Court - Virtual via ZOOM

April 1, 2025

Category: council
6:00 pm: Caucus Meeting

April 1, 2025

April 2, 2025
April 3, 2025
April 4, 2025
April 5, 2025

E-Check, Debit and Credit Cards Accepted.

There are fees associated with paying your bill online. If you pay by ACH or e-check, there is a $1.95 convenience fee. The fee for all debit and credit card payments will be 2.95% of your total bill.

No fees are collected by the Borough of Clementon.

Impact to waste pick up

Attention residents: Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, Solterra’s (the Borough’s trash collector contractor) workforce has been severely impacted by this contagious virus as has every industry across the nation. As a result of these labor hardships, your trash may not be picked up on your scheduled day and the normal 24-hour recovery pick-up of your trash may also be delayed another day depending upon the route and staff availability. Solterra will continue to utilize their resources and has even reached out to subcontractors to assist them within the next couple of weeks. Please continue to put your trash out on your normal scheduled day. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

January 27th, 2022|



Certain measures are in place providing relief to ratepayers experiencing economic hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic.


BE ADVISED that Executive Order 229 currently prohibits a local government from shutting off water service to a residential customer, or to accounts primarily serving residential customers, due to nonpayment of water or sewer unless the disconnection is to prevent or ameliorate a risk to public health or safety. This shutoff moratorium remains in effect until March 15, 2022.


BE ADVISED that until March 15, 2022, Executive Order 229 places a moratorium on local governments enforcing late payment charges and penalties on utility accounts or referring a delinquent water or sewer charge to tax sale. On or after March 15, 2022, charges and penalties may be imposed for delinquent payments, and any payments remaining delinquent may be referred to a tax lien sale held by the municipal tax collector.


The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is currently developing a Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). This program is designed to assist water and sewer customers facing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Further information will be provided from the DCA once the program goes live.


BE ADVISED that residents experiencing economic hardship during COVID-19 and who are behind on their water or sewer payments may be eligible to enter into an agreement whereby the resident agrees to pay their arrearages in installments over a period of time. As part of the agreement, the resident MUST keep up to date ALL current charges. For more information on repaying arrearages in installments, or 856-783-0284 x 114 or 115.

A copy of this notice is available at the Clementon Municipal Building located at 101 Gibbsboro Rd Clementon, NJ 08021, the Borough website at and Borough of Clementon Facebook page.

January 26th, 2022|




Notice of Intent to award contract under Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program.  The Borough of Clementon, Camden County, New Jersey intends to participate in the Sourcewell co-op under Contract Number 32119-CNH for the purchase of (1) Case 580N Backhoe.  Information regarding the contract may be found at It is the intent of the Borough of Clementon Administrator to make a contract to award Midlantic pursuant to the Sourcewell co-op under Contract Number 32119-CNH on February 15, 2022. Contract period begins on or about February 15, 2022 and ends when all goods are satisfactorily received. The Borough of Clementon is permitted to join national cooperative purchasing agreements under the authority of N.J.S.A. 52:34-6.2(b)(3). Comment period ends February 15, 2022 at 4:00 P.M.

Jenai Johnson, Borough Clerk

January 10th, 2022|


On Dec. 20, the county Department of Health and Cooper University Health Care will start offering COVID-19 testing from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Monday through Friday. The vaccine clinic will continue to operate from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday until Jan. 4. On that date the hours of operation for the vaccine clinic will be consolidated to 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
“With case counts on the rise and the holidays coming up, it’s crucial that we have testing and vaccines readily available for our residents,” Commissioner Director Louis Cappelli Jr. said.
Pediatric doses of the Pfizer vaccine are now being given in two of the medical tents at the facility and adult doses will still be administered as a drive thru operation, weather permitting.
As the weather gets colder and more people move indoors, the risk of contracting the virus becomes greater. But if you’re vaccinated you have a much lower chance of getting seriously ill or dying compared to those who are not. So please, get vaccinated and get your booster. You can make an appointment at the Camden County Health Hub by visiting
Camden County Health HUB
Camden County College – Blackwood Campus
200 College Dr, Blackwood, NJ 08012
December 13th, 2021|













NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5, sealed proposals will be received by the Borough of Clementon at its offices at 101 Gibbsboro Road, Clementon, New Jersey 08021, on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, for the following:


Municipal Attorney

Municipal Auditor

Municipal Bond Counsel

Municipal Engineer/Planner

Risk Management Consultant/Insurance Broker of Record

Municipal Labor Counsel

Municipal Prosecutor

Public Defender

Term: January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

  1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Request for Proposals is to solicit interest from qualified firms and/or individual to provide professional services for the Borough of Clementon.  A qualified firm and/or individual will be selected through a competitive, quality-based, fair and open process at the sole discretion of the Borough.
  3. Three (3) copies of the proposal, inclusive of all information required at Section D hereof, should be provided.  Proposals must be submitted to the Borough of Clementon, 101 Gibbsboro Road, Clementon, New Jersey 08021.  Any proposals received after said opening, whether by mail or otherwise, will be deemed non-responsive.  No proposals will be accepted after the date set forth above.  Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the name of the firm or individual submitting the proposal clearly marked on the outside of the envelope.  It is recommended that each proposal package be hand-delivered.  The Borough assumes no responsibility for delays in any form of carrier, mail, or delivery service causing the proposal to be received after the above-referenced due date and time.  Submission by fax, telephone, or email is not permitted.  The final selection shall be made in the sole discretion of the Mayor and Council.
  4. All questions regarding this Request for Proposals should be made in writing to Jenai L. Johnson, Municipal Clerk, Borough of Clementon, 101 Gibbsboro Road, Clementon, New Jersey 08021.
  5. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS: The Request for Proposal Review Committee will independently evaluate each submission and selection will be made upon the following criteria:
  6. Experience and reputation in the field;
  7. Knowledge of the subject matter of the services to be provided to the Borough;
  8. Knowledge of the Borough, its affairs and operations;
  9. Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the Borough;
  10. Compensation proposal;
  11. Compliance with the minimum qualifications established by the Borough for the position;
  12. Other factors determined to be in the best interest of the Borough.
  13. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: The Borough of Clementon is requesting qualifications for Municipal Attorney, Municipal Auditor, Municipal Bond Counsel, Municipal Labor Counsel, Municipal Engineer, Municipal Planner, and Economic Development Initiative Firm professional services as follows:
  14. Scope of Services
  15. Resume
  16. Facilities
  17. Conflict of Interest
  18. Fees


The following explains what the Borough expects in each of the major sections:


  1. Scope of Services – The Borough of Clementon is requesting qualification statements to provide professional services for the Borough of Clementon. Your response should detail the firm or individual’s qualifications to provide that type of service.


The minimum qualifications established by the Borough for the professional appointments are as follows:

Municipal Attorney:

Must be licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey and eligible to appear before all state and federal courts and administrative offices of the State of New Jersey for a period of not less than 15 years preceding appointment, and preferably a certified civil trial attorney.  Must have a minimum 15 years experience representing municipal entities and be experienced with regard to the Municipal Land Use Law, the Municipal Budget Law, the Municipal Bond Law, the Open Public Meetings Act, the Open Public Records Act, the Open Public Bidding Law and Fair Housing Act.  Must demonstrate experience representing other municipalities in COAH litigation.  Must have experience preparing municipal resolutions and ordinances, and preparing and issuing opinion letters for the issuance of bonds and/or bond anticipation notes.

Municipal Auditor:

Must be a certified public accountant and be certified by the State of New Jersey as a registered municipal accountant.  The applicant must have a minimum 15 years experience representing municipal entities in connection with municipal audits, budgets and the issuance of bonds and/or bond anticipation notes.  The applicant must have sufficient support staff to provide all services required by the Borough of Clementon including, but not limited to, the preparation of the municipal budget, municipal audit, debt statements, official statements and all other documents relating to the issuance of bonds, as well as all other financial matters pertaining to municipal government.


Municipal Bond Counsel: 

Must be licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey and eligible to appear before all state and federal courts and administrative offices of the State of New Jersey for a period of not less than ten (10) years preceding appointment.  Must have a minimum of ten (10) years experience representing municipal entities in connection with the approval of bond ordinances and the issuance of municipal bonds and/or notes. Must have sufficient support staff to provide all services required by the Borough of Clementon including, but not limited to, the preparation of all documents necessary and incidental to the issuance of the bonds and other municipal obligations.  Must list past and present public entities represented as Bond Counsel.  Must provide references from at least two (2) public entity clients.


Municipal Engineer/Municipal Planner:

A firm must designate one (1) engineer to serve as Municipal Engineer.  The designated engineer must be licensed as an engineer in the State of New Jersey for at least 15 years, and have represented municipalities and municipally-owned water and sewerage utilities for at least ten (10) years.  The individual engineer should be a certified municipal engineer.  The engineer must be thoroughly familiar with the Municipal Land Use Law.  The engineer must also be experienced in preparing bid specifications for various municipal construction projects and knowledge and experience in preparing and submitting grant applications.  The firm and/or engineer must have sufficient support staff to provide all services required by the Borough of Clementon including, but not limited to, the preparation of all plans and documents necessary and incidental to the performance of the engineer’s duties and responsibilities. Municipal Planner must be licensed by the New Jersey State Board of Professional Planners for at least 15 years and served as a municipal planner for at least ten (10) years.  The planner must be thoroughly familiar with the Municipal Land Use Law and Fair Housing Act and must have experience preparing Master Plans, and zoning and land use ordinances.  The planner must also be knowledgeable of COAH regulations and procedures.  The firm and/or planner must have sufficient support staff to provide all services required by the Borough of Clementon including, but not limited to, the preparation of all plans and documents necessary and incidental to the performance of the planner’s duties and responsibilities.


Risk Management Consultant/Insurance Broker of Record:

Must have three (3) years of experience in providing Risk Management consulting services to municipalities and/or counties. The firm must have sufficient staff to provide all services required by the Borough of Clementon, including, but not limited to:

a.) Assist the Borough in indentifying its insurable Property and Casualty exposures and to recommend professional methods to reduce, assume or transfer the risk or loss.

b.)Assist the Borough in understanding and negotiating for the various coverages available from the Fund, and insurance companies.

c.)Review with the Borough any additional coverage available from the Fund and subject to the Borough’s authorization to place such coverage outside the Fund.

d.)Assist the Borough in the preparation of applications, statements of values and similar appraisal work by the Consultant.

e.)Review Certificates of Insurance from contractors, vendors, and professionals when requested by the Borough.

f.)Review the Borough’s assessment as prepared by the Fund and assist the Borough in the preparation of its annual insurance budget.

g.)Review the loss and engineering reports and generally assist the safety committee in its loss containment objectives.

Municipal Labor Counsel

Must be licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey and a member of the Bar in good standing, specializing in public sector labor relations and whose practice is primarily comprised of representing management.  The applicant shall have seven (7) years experience as a municipal labor attorney.  The applicant must demonstrate a high degree of knowledge, experience and ability with the following:

a.)Collective bargaining with public sector unions.

b.)Interest arbitration.

c.)Grievance arbitration.

d.)Formulating management proposals.

e.)Employer-Employee Relations Act, ADA and FMLA.

f.) PERC Policies and Procedures.

  1. Resume – All resumes submitted to the Borough of Clementon shall include the following:


  1. Name and address of your firm and the corporate officer authorized to execute agreements.


  1. A brief description of your firm’s history, ownership, organizational structure, location of its management, and licenses to do business in the State of New Jersey.


  1. The names, experience, qualifications, and applicable licenses held by the individual primarily responsible for servicing the Borough and any other person(s), whether as employees or subcontractors, with specialized skills that would be assigned to service the Borough.


  1. A listing of local governmental clients with which you have similar contracts; include the name, address and telephone number of the contact person.


  1. A statement of your firm’s insurance coverage. Firms need not provide an insurance certificate specific to the Borough in responding to this RFP.  An insurance certificate will be required prior to commencing work after selection of a firm to provide services relative to a specific project.


  1. A statement of assurance to the effect that your firm is not currently in violation of any regulatory rules and regulations that may have an impact on your firm’s operations.
  2. Facilities – Office Locations –
  1. a) For your firm’s facilities which will service this project:
  2. i) The location
  3. ii) Firm personnel assigned to this location

iii)        Activities of the firm performed at this location

  1. b) For those facilities and activities located elsewhere, please explain the activities performed elsewhere and why these are best performed at a different office.  Firms where all activities are performed at one location should leave this paragraph blank.
  2. Conflict of Interest – Disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest that the firm may have in performing these services for the Borough of Clementon.
  3. Fees – Set forth in detail your compensation proposal
  4. COMPLIANCE: In addition, all proposals shall comply with P.L. 1977, c.33 requiring submission of a statement of corporate ownership, J.S.A. 52:32-44 requiring submission of a New Jersey Business Registration Certificate and the collection of use taxes; and with P.L. 1975, c.127 and N.J.A.C. 17:27-1 et seq., requiring compliance with equal employment opportunity and affirmative action laws and the submission of proof of compliance therewith.
  5. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: The Borough reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, and to waive any immaterial defect or informality in any proposal as may be permitted by law.

Jenai L. Johnson,

Municipal Clerk/Administrator

November 9th, 2021|
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